Thursday, March 20, 2008

Not a great way to start a new blog!

I decided I'd get my new blog up and running over the Easter weekend. I'm feeling the heat from a few people I know because of my lack of race reports and general poor communication.

Unfortunately, my first bit of news is not good. Yesterday I was out riding with Kim Rose at the Cradle of Humankind. She is just returning to the road after having a fall in a race a few weeks ago and some concussion. Anyway, I was on my way home when I had a head

on collision with a taxi. I was turning into a road where the traffic was backed up in the opposite direction. My attention was focused on the cars coming in from the left (a slip road) and when I looked in fornt of me a taxi was coming straight for me (he was coming up the wrong side of the road to skip the backed up traffic).

I hit the brakes hard and went straight into him! Connecting his windscreen with my shoulder. After a bit of an altercation in which the driver wanted to leave the scene and I conviscated his keys, we waited for the police to arrive. Fortunately I was not too badly injured, but the bike was a bit of a mess! I train on a Trek SSLx (the Discovery Team edition which is a limited edition bike and I'm very fond of it!!). Forks were pretty much snapped, and the front rim is dented - Bontrager Classics that are bullet-proof. I went to the hospital and got checked out - x-rays show no broken bones, but my shoulder and hip are quite painful. Lifting my arm gets to about horizontal then becomes painful.

I went through to the Trek agents and Gary had a good look at the bike. The frame is fine and they gave me a new set of forks. Rebuilt the bike last night and will go for an easy ride today, see how the body feels!

1 comment:

Bruce Diesel said...

Managed a good 2 hour sweet spot ride, no adverse reaction:

Entire workout (271 watts):
Duration: 1:58:30
Work: 1920 kJ
TSS: 128 (intensity factor 0.807)
Norm Power: 286
VI: 1.06
Pw:HR: 8.52%
Pa:HR: 10.97%
Distance: 63.947 km
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 462 271 watts
Heart Rate: 67 158 137 bpm
Cadence: 31 128 77 rpm
Speed: 4.1 71.9 32.5 kph